Tuesday, March 3, 2009

My Social Location... I think.

Who am I and where am I from? Also, where am I going? These questions are simple in grammar yet could possibly some of the most difficult questions to answer. On the micro level I am a white eighteen year old female.  I am heterosexual, Christian and wealthy.  All these traits are obvious from my appearance.  My clothes say it, my actions say it and the people who I associate with say it.  Accordingly, my meso level is perfectly in sync with my micro level.  My home is Normandy Park, Washington a small city south of Seattle.  It is made up of very wealthy, white, christian citizens. That is my home, my comfort level and people whom I love.  My home now is also Washington State University.  Obviously, WSU has more diversity then my own home town but I still find myself being drawn to a place I am comfortable in, a sorority.  Chi Omega is filled with a hundred girls who share my socioeconomic status as well as beliefs and age.  For now I am a little confused on my macro level.  As an eighteen year old girl I feel like my voice has very little impact or power.  
As I look over my social location it seems very dominant.  As someone who is representing white wealthy teenage females I want to represent a positive image of us.  I want to be able to impact and change the world.  I want to break the stereotype of girls.  I want to be completely authentic.  Now I just have to figure out who I am to be authentic.


  1. Hey here's a link to my abstract:


  2. Your open and honest analysis of your social location in this blog is very powerful. I really took something important away from your analysis of your situation as a wealthy white teenage girl living in America. As Professor Tamez has mentioned in class, it is very important that we understand our social location if we are going to understand cultural theory on a personal and societal level. You cannot understand the systems that work around you, if you do not understand your place within them. Thank you for including a blog about your confusion with the topic of social location. I have also struggled with this throughout the whole semester and I am still not sure I fully understand my position. Your blog helped me come closer to an understanding of myself and of others. Thanks.

